
Preppy App

Our Preppy Food Safety labeling App for Android has been built from the ground up using the fundamentals and experience gained from over 10 years with the original Preppy console.
The app connects to a Bluetooth printer and prints on Prepsafe thermal Food safety labels. The result is food safety labeling that is 100% accurate and legible every time and at a cost of only around 1 cent per label, and best of all no setup or ongoing subscription fees.
Whether you operate an independent restaurant or a franchise with 1000s of locations, Preppy App by PREPsafe delivers a simple food safety labeling solution that will fit your needs and requirements.


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PREPsafe labels are easy to spot in a coolroom environment and give the employee or manager all the information they need at a glance. With The Preppy App kitchen staff can create Use buy labels with accurate Use By calculations in seconds. When it comes to thawed items Preppy app not only prints Thawing labels, it goes the extra mile and calculates Use By times based on a products Out Of Freezer time and will even give a Disguard message if a product has exceeded both its Defrost and Shelf Life value so you will always be 100% compliant.
App by PREPsafe will also take care of all your general labeling requirements, whether it is a label for catering or a Received label with current date and time for incoming stock deliveries, Preppy App has got it covered.



Firstly, if you are a Company that does not yet have a free Preppy App account, contact us at sales@prepsafe.com and once setup you can add and customize all your Company content including logos, items, photos and terminology.
If you are a new store that has a registered Company account then simply download the app, register your store in the PREPsafe shop and ensure you have a suitable Zebra Bluetooth printer. Once you receive your login details via email confirmation you are all set to go
To download the App, search for “Prepsafe” in the Google play store or follow the link below from your device.

Download app on Google Play


Backend app

www.prepsafeapp.com is the website engine for the App and once logged in gives a huge amount of customization access at Company, Region and Store level. Everything in the app is customizable from colors, company logos and item images to text on buttons and labels. You could even program the button and item text along with all the other App content in any language you choose
Adding employees can be performed directly into the App interface and staff can add a selfie if they choose so they are easily recognizable. Items can also be added at a store level and the device’s camera can even upload an item image to display on the item select button.